Metrics Training



  • metrics overview & types
  • metric questions & querying
  • qa + break
  • optimization
  • visualisation
  • fix a dashboard demo

Who am I

  • Eirik Albrigtsen / clux /
  • Engineering Ops - observability work
  • maintain kube-rs / run a lot / roll dice a lot

What are metrics

  • collections of data points
  • data points exposed by an app
  • exposed on /metrics as text
  • fetched by prometheus
  • prometheus /15s :: GET /metrics

Scraping / ServiceMonitors

Guru: How to get your metrics into Prometheus

Don’t use metricsScraping labels

What metrics looks like

# TYPE http_requests_in_flight gauge
http_requests_in_flight 13
# TYPE http_request_seconds summary
http_request_seconds_sum{method="GET"} 9036.32
http_request_seconds_count{method="GET"} 807283.0
http_request_seconds_created{method="GET"} 1605281325.0
http_request_seconds_sum{method="POST"} 479.3
http_request_seconds_count{method="POST"} 34.0
http_request_seconds_created{method="POST"} 1605281325.0
# TYPE process_cpu_seconds counter
# UNIT process_cpu_seconds seconds
process_cpu_seconds_total 4.20072246e+06

Metric terminology

# TYPE http_requests_in_flight gauge
http_requests_in_flight 13
# TYPE http_request_seconds summary
http_request_seconds_sum{method="GET"} 9036.32
http_request_seconds_count{method="GET"} 807283.0
http_request_seconds_created{method="GET"} 1605281325.0
http_request_seconds_sum{method="POST"} 479.3
http_request_seconds_count{method="POST"} 34.0
http_request_seconds_created{method="POST"} 1605281325.0
# TYPE process_cpu_seconds counter
# UNIT process_cpu_seconds seconds
process_cpu_seconds_total 4.20072246e+06

Metric Types

  • Gauge - numerical value (can change)
  • Counter - monotonically increasing number
  • Histogram - counter with bucket dimensions


Gauges Sum


9 hour interval :: 0 -> ~55000

Counters Rate

500 * 12 * 9 = 54000

Counters Sum Rate

Counters Correct Sum Rate


Histograms Quantiles

What are metrics for

WTF questions

  • is my app slower after upgrade?
  • is it using more resources now?
  • is it taking longer to respond to request than usual?
  • what's going on with the tail latencies?
  • what went wrong?

Questions solvable by metrics

  1. state + trends of kubernetes objects
  2. resource usage of kubernetes objects
  3. capacity planning via on resource usage
  4. state + trends of your custom metrics
  5. SLOs + error budgets + burndown

Kubernetes object metrics

prometheus dev → kube_

beats: kubectl get X -oyaml

Resource usage of k8s objects

Resource usage of aggregated k8s

Trends on your custom metrics

# TYPE alert_routing_outcome_total counter
alert_routing_outcome_total{kind="",outcome="failure"} 2
alert_routing_outcome_total{kind="app",outcome="success"} 35
alert_routing_outcome_total{kind="infra",outcome="success"} 1
alert_routing_outcome_total{kind="owned",outcome="success"} 9
alert_routing_outcome_total{kind="pod",outcome="success"} 32
by (outcome)


  • SLO: Service Level Objective (the want)
  • SLI: Service Level Indicator (the metric)
  • SLA: Service Level Agreement (the contract)
  • Error Budget: Allowed failure time

SLOs TrueLayer

…via HoneyComb

Advanced Query Functionality

Query Functions

  • rate/increase
  • sum/max/min/topk :: by/without
  • {aggregation}_over_time (avg, min, max, sum)
  • clamp_min + clamp_max = clamp
  • predict_linear / deriv / delta
  • math: sqrt, sgn, scalar, round, floor/ceil, logs, exp
  • comparison: > < <= >= == !=
  • absent

Query Operators 1 Logical

Query Operators 2 Joins

  • on / ignoring
<vector expr> <bin-op> ignoring(<label list>) <vector expr>
<vector expr> <bin-op> on(<label list>) <vector expr>

Optimizing Queries

  • cardinality
  • resolution
  • recording


http_request_sum{path="/api/v1",method="GET"} 9036.32
http_request_sum{path="/api/v2",method="GET"} 3036.1
http_request_sum{path="/api/v2",method="DELETE"} 1.3
http_request_sum{path="/api/v1",method="POST"} 4479.3
http_request_sum{path="/api/v2",method="POST"} 479.3
  = len({"GET", "POST", "DELETE"}) *
    len({"/api/v1", "/api/v2"})
  = 2*3 = 6
count(http_request_sum) = 5

Cardinality “Enrichment”

  • instance/pod labels enriched
  • highly parallel app => x100
  • can elide, but hard

Cardinality of Histograms


  • 100 instances with 10 buckets :: 1,000 series
  • 10 endpoints :: 10,000 series
  • 10 status codes :: 100,000 series
  • 4 http methods :: 400,000 series
  • 100 tenants :: 40,000,000 series

Why care about cardinality

  • lower cardinality => faster response
  • high cardinality => slow response / timeout
  • limit labels to bounded sets
  • drop labels on histogram
  • try to stay below 10k per metric

contain your cardinality

Cardinality Optimization

  • 100 pods with 10 buckets :: 1k
  • 10 endpoints :: 10k
  • 10 status codes :: 100k
  • 4 http methods :: 400k
  • 100 tenants :: 40M

  • m1_total : pods,ep,code = 10k
  • m2_bucket : pods,ep,buckets = 10k
  • m3_bucket : buckets*ep*method*code = 10k
  • m4_total : code,tenants = 1k


  • 12d at 30s resolution is 1440 points
  • 3d at 1m resolution is 4320 points
  • 7d at 5m resolution is 2000 points
  • 1 panel < 1000 pixels

resolution rule of thumb:

  • 1m for < 3h
  • 5m for < 12h
  • 1h for > 12h

Grafana Resolution Interval

play around

Grafana Resolution


play around

It’s still slow? Recording rules

kind: PrometheusRule
  name: prometheus-stack-kube-prom-k8s.rules
  - name: k8s.rules
- expr: |-
    sum by (cluster, namespace, pod, container) (
    ) * on (cluster, namespace, pod)
    group_left(node) topk by (cluster, namespace, pod) (
      1, max by(cluster, namespace, pod, node)
  record: node_namespace_pod_container:container_cpu_usage_seconds_total:sum_irate


Recording Rules Info

  • provides a way to do costly steps
  • evaluation cost amortised
  • uses “sum() by” to reduce dimensions

Recording Rule Optimization

  • amortization => cost affects everyone
  • rolling computation must be reasonably quick
  • 15s (default),30s,1m+ configurable interval

see prometheus/rules

How to not reinvent the wheel

you do not need to:

  • make panels for cpu/mem viz
  • make alerts for generic pod failures
  • figure out how to visalize histograms

Linking to cpu/mem viz

compute workload board

demo with links

Generic alerts

Stealing Panels

learn vs. copy

Dashboard Improvements

Things you can and should use or configure:

or steal

  • cross-link
  • axes on panel
  • units
  • legends
  • display prop



(hpa dashboard)

Demo: Improve a dashboard

Final QA